from hardwork to heartwork
This is for you if...
You are a WholeHearted Woman who lives with intention & leads with heart in her life & business.
You are a conscious woman ready to tap into more courage & embrace your inner Brave Babe to move ahead with aligned action.
You are gentle & heart-centered soul, with the passion & fire for what you want to create in our world.
You are ready to invest into your dreams to impact the world with your purpose & to serve WholeHeartedly.
heartwork is about
understanding your energy
To gain the confidence & clarity to take more action in business & lead with more heart.
--It starts with your energy.
Personal Energy Efficiency can help you:
Organize all your million ideas into inspired action
Choose a focus to enhance your productivity
Simplify the action steps to release feelings of overwhelm & procrastination
Strengthen your energy with time boundaries & create more freedom in your schedule
Cultivate grounding energy to find more presence
This will Impact your Business Energy Efficiency:
Understand & strengthen the energy of your offerings to attract your ideal clients
Open clear channels of communication to share you message
Take consistent aligned action to cultivate a community & support others with your unique gifts​
enhance your energy & elevate your business
tuesday | may 26th, 2020
This 3 Month Experience Includes:
Seven 1-on-1 Heartwork Energy Coaching Calls with Steff Smith, (Energy Coach & Founder of Babes & Brews) to create a simple aligned action plan to bring your gifts to the world.
Seven Transformational Mastermind Group Calls to create an environment infused with accountability, motivation, and support from other Brave Babes in an intimate group setting.
Personalized Business/Offering Strategizing & Structuring--to build a solid foundation for your business to thrive.
Weekly Aligned Action Steps--to integrate new lessons & keep the momentum moving
Signal Voice Message Support--for checkins & simple communication between Mastermind calls.
All Access to our Online Community of Whole-Hearted Women--to connect with other women like you.
Lifetime access to the Mastermind Call Recordings--to reference as you grow.
tuesday | may 26th, 2020
BONUSES included:
Three Months of our VIP MEMBERSHIP --Unlimited Access to our Community Events & Support
Business Feature in our Babes in Biz: Online Business Directory
Opportunity to host your own event/experience with our Babes & Brews Community!
are you a wholehearted woman ready to embrace
your inner BRAVE BABE?
Results include:
Clarity to Follow Your Heart & Understand the Power of Your Energy & Presence
Confidence to Share Your Offerings & Your Message to serve the People you're here to support
Courage to Take Consistent Bold & Aligned Action towards achieving your business goals
Skills to Strengthen Your Energy, Your Intentions & Your ability to hold a Solid Safe Space of Gathering & Healing.
Accountability with weekly 1 on 1 & Group Calls
Community Support from your Fellow Babes in Biz
Tools to Build a Solid Foundation to Support Your Community & Grow Your Business.
and so it begins:
September 2020
what women love about
babes in biz
Juliette Ordonia Photography
My experience with Babes in Biz was such a positive one. The space that Steff creates and who she brings with her is SAFE, INVITING, and SUPPORTIVE.
We got to dive into some important tools that I am currently using in my business. And we also had the opportunity of meeting other women who were in the same boat of female entrepreneurship, such a great space to plan collaborations.
It’s definitely worth the energetic investment.
I look forward to participating again in the future!
Molly O.
Holistic Health Practitioner & Reiki Master
The Babes in Biz Mastermind was exactly what I needed. Steff's guidance and accountability helped me get further on my project than I had alone in years.
Before the mastermind I was overwhelmed and unsure of myself and my business, and now I've left with a solid plan and the confidence to keep moving forward.
Each mentor call was unique and informative, and I was able to take away something from each and immediately apply it to my life and business. I also loved getting to connect with the other women in the group and participating in the Babes & Brews events.
I would definitely recommend this experience!
Heather C.
Holistic Nutrition Coach & Personal Trainer
Are you ready to get the support you need to
lead with more heart in your business?