Are you looking for support for your next event or building your heart-centered community?
Meet Steff
Community Connector + Creator
Certified With Heart Energy Coach
Steff is the founder of Babes & Brews Community and a Community Energy Coach and Mentor for heart-led entrepreneurs.
She is an inspiring, community-focused woman who creates intentional events & experiences that brings together a Wholehearted Community both in-person (locally, in the Greater Phoenix, AZ area) and online through the Wholehearts Soceity.
She loves bridging connection between people, heart-led businesses, & resources to create intentional community together.
In order to support & create a thriving community, she's learned what it means to fill your cup first, that your purpose needs intention to direct your focus & energy, and you're not meant to journey this life alone.
If you have the desire on your heart to cultivate community in a way that you haven't seen before--it means you're here to make an impact by doing things in a way that only you can.
You don't have to figure it all out on your own. You can learn from someone who's been on this journey for 5 years.
Work with Steff
"Steff is quite literally THE person anyone would want on their event team. She is an important asset to any event, project, venture or collaboration. Our Phoenix Kakao ceremonies truly wouldn't have been the success that it was without her!"
--Makenzie McPherson
coFounder of KAKAO Ceremonial Drinking Chocolate
is a love language of simple pleasures
--Steff Smith, Coffee Enthusiast
Go-To Coffee Order:
Seasonal Cold Brew
with Oat Milk
A good cup of coffee is more meaningful than you think--
It's a grand rising to meet the day, an experience with the people who warm your heart, & a brew that ignites joy and expands your vision.
When you create space to enjoy the simple pleasures in your life, you create more space for the abundance that you desire.
Are you creating room for what you desire?
Or is your mind full of someone else's wishes?
it's time to fill your cup
"One of my favorite parts about working closely with Babes & Brews Community and Steff was the freedom not only to show up as my COMPLETE SELF, but the freedom to hold space as my AUTHENTIC SELF. There was no formula, as long as I was there with an open mind and open heart, I was in the right place."
--Elie R.
Events Facilitator & Community Creator
This might surprise you...
Find your story in her-story
As someone who understands the different layers and complexities of connection, Steff spent many years of her life experiencing the contrast--disconnection & longing.
She was adopted as an infant, never having met her biological parents, she had a very different perspective on life than her friends and most everyone she knew.
She grew up in a small town in the MidWest, where she tried her best to fit in, but growing up as one of two Asian students in her class, she couldn't help but stand out.
She had an innate understanding of compassion for others--because she knew on so many levels, what it was like to be very different in a world that celebrates how much you fit in with society.
Throughout her first 29 years, she devoted most of her life to becoming the person that other people wanted her to be--to fit in, to be accepted, loved & appreciated.
This became too exhausting, to continue to give all her energy for everyone else's benefit, (work, family, friends, partners, etc) without regarding her own needs.
In 2017, after months of feeling frustration, burnout, & not recognizing who she had become, she decided it was time to take a chance on herself & discover the person she wanted to be--her authentic self.
Starting this self-discovery journey led her to find more purpose and meaning in life.
Find support through your next big transition​
"Before our call, I had no idea what I even want or need! Somehow Steff was able to steer me into a natural place of acceptance about being present with my current process. After our call I felt more present, confident, optimistic and a sense of allowing myself to enjoy my present status of recharging and developing what comes next."
--Angie C.
Yoga nidra Meditation Instructor + Angel Reader