Meet Babes and Brews Community Partner
Mackenzie Dickson
Babes and Brews Blogger Taylor Bishop created this series to share the inspiring stories of our Community Partners
Learn more about Taylor at the bottom of this article!
Mackenzie's Intention for 2022 is to continue to be MINDFUL.
As the owner of Mystical Medicinals, Mackenzie brings mindfulness to her crystal healing practice and homemade products.
Connect with Mackenzie

I am a Holistic Wellness and spiritual mentor.
I work one-on-one with people as well as offering group healing sessions where I integrate crystal and herbal medicine, as well as reiki, and I use it all as one whole modality to support people on their self-healing journey.
I also intentionally source crystals for people in a highly individualized way. I set up connection calls with people to learn what their intentions are, and we discuss what crystals could support them and how. I source each crystal based on the intention and their specific needs. I also create customized crystal jewelry as well so you can bring this support with you wherever you go.
I'm very passionate about sharing knowledge, so I teach classes on many of these topics. I believe that these healing allies and various tools are our birthright and every human deserves to have access to them for their own Wellness. Teaching classes is one way I feel I can help ensure that people have access to the information. I also sell intentionally-sourced crystals.
I source these crystals for them, but then I teach them how to work with them. I teach them how to know that they're getting authentic crystals, because realistically, are they going to buy every single crystal from me? Probably not.
Lastly, I have lots of amazing products including herbal blends, teas, tinctures and other personal care items that I create from the energy of holistic wellness. I make custom blends and medicines, personal care products, a lot of different things and I really enjoy creating products to support my clients. I believe herbs and plants bring the energy of holistic wellness to our bodies very naturally and we can work with them in so many different ways from face serum to herbal tea.

Healing sessions with Mackenzie can help with manifestation, chakra balancing, and a vast range of other life goals and situations.

What does it mean to be a wholehearted business and how does that tie into yours?
So for me, it comes down to being in true service to your clients. Of course, yes, we have bills to pay and things like that.
But really, focusing on how we can serve our clients and legitimately referring them to someone else if that's more aligned with what they need- which I do all the time.
I spend quite a bit of time on Zoom chats to talk about what my work is because I really want them to have an opportunity to get to know me and what my work is. This is a big deal - you're inviting someone to be a consultant to your own wellness.
So I take the time for them to understand what it is I provide so that they can make the decision if it's aligned. And I truly have no problem with it not being aligned.
If it's not, I have enough connections in the community that I can almost always refer them to a practitioner that can help. I really want to connect them to the exact resource that they need for what they're trying to create in their lives.
How did your healing modalities come into your life?​
By around the time that I was 19 I had suffered some pretty severe trauma in my life and it started to show itself in my physical body when I did not take the time to process and heal that wound.
I started experiencing physical symptoms which continued to escalate until I found myself in a true health crisis. I was really struggling and I felt totally helpless and like nobody was going to fix me, which was exactly the truth.
I returned to Mother Earth and crystals. I had always felt the power of crystals and enjoyed having them around me since I was very little but I didn't know the depth of what they could do for me on a healing level until I needed it.
So that's when I really started diving into the medicinal side of crystals and herbs so that I could heal myself. And now I'm completely off all prescription medication and feeling fantastic.
It's a passion of mine to share this deep medicine with other people. Mother Earth truly provides everything we need to heal ourselves. When I realized that I was actually reaching people and I could help them I knew it was time for me to quit my corporate job. And now here I am!

Mackenzie shares her knowledge on working with crystals at monthly events around the Phoenix Valley as well as virtually through her Instagram.

What attracted you to join this community?
I was looking at networking events around the Valley at a time when I was really getting intentional about growing my business and leaving my corporate job.
So I was deeply in growth and knew I needed to get my name out there, but networking groups just didn't feel good.
I was talking to a friend of mine about the lack of community feeling in most networking events, and she brought up Babes.
I asked her to tell me more about Babes and she told me it’s really great and totally different from the other groups - just go to one of the events. So I reach out to Steff and she invited me to a meetup the very next day. I took off work a bit early so I could attend and that was it – I was hooked.
I was connecting with all these women and I was like, oh, this is my community right here. Everyone truly cares about one another.
It was a meetup at Modern Allo and I had no idea what was going on but I just came bought a cup of coffee and sat. All the women were so kind to one another and really cared. And I was like - this is different. It was more intimate. It was a smaller group and it was just lovely.
What are two women-owned businesses you love supporting?
There are two that come to mind immediately. One is Irin White of Prickly Pear Acupuncture.
She's such a wholehearted babe and she cares so much about her client.
And being one of her clients, I can tell you she really asks a lot of questions and gets to know exactly what your needs are, and she offers such incredible support. She makes you feel nurtured and comforted. And then you see real physical changes in your body as she's doing it.
It's fascinating to me, really, how acupuncture work. And, Irin has another business called Sacred Living Art I'm very into as well because it combines crystals and plants as well as sacred geometry all in these little plant orbs.
So I'm obsessed with those (I mean, it has all my favorite things!) and there's so much intentionality behind everything she does. She’s just a really a beautiful person and she really cares about the community as well.
The other business I love supporting is also a healer in our community. Sarah Beatrice Wellness. Sarah Leech, is a gifted breathwork and ashiatsu massage therapist and I get breathwork from her.
She is so loving and deeply cares about the welfare of her clients and she holds really beautiful space and she embodies that same community over competition value that I do.
​If I go to her and I talk to her about something I'm working on that she feels someone else could better support me in, she refers me.
It’s that same community over competition, and being in true service to each and every client way of running a business that I think is absolutely critical to really supporting the community because none of us heals with one healer either, right? We need multiple people to hold space for us.
And it's really about aligning the practice to that individual and knowing to trust in your abundance there's plenty for all of us.

" I continue to heal myself one soul at a time as I help others find their power, connect with their bodies, claim their birthright from our Ancient Mother, and find true and lasting healing."

How do you fill your own cup?
So many ways! I spend a lot of time actually focusing on filling my own cup. Babes and Brews is definitely a part of that. Connecting with other human beings in a whole-hearted space like that is huge, but additionally, I spend a lot of time in nature. A lot of time hosting ceremony to give back to Mother Earth offering love and gratitude for all the ways she supports us.
And I receive my own energy work and bodywork. I'm very committed to my own healing journey, so I do that a minimum of twice a month to make sure that the best version of me is showing up for each and every client.
Are there any business goals you'd like to share or something you're planning that you're excited about?
I am extremely excited to announce that I have two openings in my mentorship program for the month of March because my mentorship program is expanding! This mentorship is such a deeply supportive experience and I am so honored to witness the transformation that my clients experience through this work.
I also have my most popular class coming back in March as well. On Saturday, March 5th I'm going to be teaching the Crystal Wise class again where we talk in-depth on all the essentials you need to shop and ensure you're getting only authentic crystals and it includes a testing kit. We get deep into geology on this.
Unfortunately, I've watched the crystal market change from when I was a young girl. There are so many fakes, scams, misrepresentations, etc. In this class I teach everything that I use in my practice to ensure my crystals are authentic for my clients and send each attendee away with lots of resources and the tools they need to do this for themselves.
I think it's important to share my knowledge and make it accessible to anyone working with crystals in their own healing journey and/or those who love to shop for them as much as I do!
I also have at least a couple of healing circles and workshops every month!
"Taking a class from Mackenzie is always such an amazing experience. She brings so much knowledge and beautiful energy to EVERY class that she teaches. I’ve attended Crystal Connections and also her Be Crystal Wise class. I’ve learned how to tell authentic crystals from fakes and so much more. I now feel confident when buying and I love that she is always encouraging all questions."
Meet Babes and Brews Blogger
Taylor Bishop
Taylor has always been passionate about sculpting stories, and followed her calling in 2014 to move from New Mexico to Phoenix for journalism school. She quickly fell in love with the diverse nature and people in state 48 - and with her partner, Phil.
With a knack for social media and building community, Taylor has worked with travel and tourism clients, nonprofits, and conscious business leaders to tell their stories with intention and authenticity.
She is a Manifesting Generator Gemini (Aquarius moon, Taurus rising) who loves learning about crystal healing, growing + foraging fungi, and rockhounding.
Taylor has met so many powerful, passionate women through Babes and Brews, and she is so grateful that she took the leap to attend her first meetup last April at Lacuna Kava Bar in DTPHX (and is always open to meeting up with new babes over artisinal kratom mocktails in the high vibe space).
Taylor is currently building a digital nomad lifestyle spending a balance of her time between her home in Arizona and in the Pacific Northwest where she loves to frolic in the forest. You can find posts about her van life, cute animals, and other
adventures on her Instagram.