Babes Who Bloom: Community Meet-up
Wed, May 06
Babe, it's time to bloom. Be uniquely you.

Time & Location
May 06, 2020, 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM MST
About the event
Babe, it's Time to BLOOM. Â
After reflecting on our wild April, we truly learned how to THRIVE in so many ways!Â
Moving into May with the sunshining and the earth healing, our theme came so clearly to me, that it is time for us to BLOOM!
How do you desire to Bloom into this next season of life? Â Are you looking to feel more deeply connected with yourself and to others? Â Are you looking for friends, connections, & community who desire to bloom together?
Join us for our Babes who Bloom May Virtual Meet-ups and discover you have everything you need to bloom into the most authentic version of yourself. Â You only need to choose to do so. Â Surround yourself with others who get it, and who want to support each other as we all learn what it is to bloom in this current season of life.
Save the Dates: Wednesday May 6th, 20th, & 27th. RSVP HERE to save your spot!
 Our INTENTIONS are...
- To hold this safe space for authentic connection--Honoring every high and low of our "new normal" life.
- To share experiences, energy, and resources to support each other.--Sharing what may seem little to you, could be a a huge aha moment for another or an invitation to receive the support they need.
- To embrace the abundance that blooms all around us as we thrive together with a conscious mind and an open heart.
What makes you a whole-hearted woman & why has your heart led you here:
- You crave connection with other whole-hearted beings.
- You understand the value of filling your cup first so you can support others.
- You have the courage to stand up for your truth and share radical compassion to everyone around you.
- You desire a safe space to express yourself authentically, free from judgement and misunderstanding.
- You believe in being part of something bigger than yourself.
COME AS YOU ARE, BABE. --We invite you to BE PRESENT & surround yourself with women who know what its like to walk the road of transformation and transition, and who realize the impact of coming together during this time of uncertainty.   Â
Virtual Babe
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